Welcome to this week's round up featuring fresh curated content from the inbound thought leaders speaking at HUG 17, their organizations, and our inbound sponsors. This week's curated list features the top recent content from the thought leaders involved with HUG 17. Topics include: Do people really voluntarily view PowerPoints on Slideshare, Creating attention-grabbing poster designs for any event, and The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: Sales Edition.
If you want this curated content on a weekly basis, subscribe to the blog and check your inbox every Friday.
- How to Create an Attention-Grabbing Poster Design for Any Event [Infographic]
- Fonts & Feelings: Does Typography Connote Emotions?
- 3 Steps to Creating Your B2B Channel Sales Dream Team
- The Allbound Podcast: Jarrod Weise, Partner Content Manager at Cisco
More fresh content, from the handpicked list of HUG17 sponsors who align with the inbound methodology
Campaign Creators / Business on Market St.