Following our Dan theme, we flew in Dan Sally to share "Overcoming Channel Saturation With Inbound Marketing". Of course he brought a ton of humor to share with us all. If you did not know, Dan Sally is a former Comedy Central comedian turned marketer. We all agree that seems like a natural career evolution.
Proof that Dan Sally actually was in San Diego
Attendees had some great comments about the event
Personas are important part of the inbound marketing mix. It's all about creating specific content for targeted audiences. @dansally #sdhug
— ThunderActive (@ThunderActive) August 21, 2014
Playing guess the prospect with @dansally . naked sushi and kids army shop are real prospects! #sdhug @HubSpot
— Nicole Pereira (@Nicca619) August 21, 2014
Attract. Convert. Close. Delight. // #InboundMarketing methodology from @dantyre. #sdhug
— BusinessOnMarketSt. (@BizOnMarketSt) August 21, 2014
Also Congrats to Heather Hinman for winning our ticket to Inbound 2014
If you missed the event or need a refresher,
we recorded the event just for you!
Please forgive the dark background, slanted angle, rough editing, and crazy audio..
we are video production noobs!